Deeds Not Words | Tag Archives: The Stratford Upon Avon Herald The Emily Wilding Davison Letters Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:44:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Suffragists and Their Recent Demonstration Fri, 11 Aug 1911 00:01:57 +0000 August 11, 1911, To the Editor of The Stratford Upon Avon Herald.

“The Suffragists and Their Recent Demonstration”

Whether the militant tactics of the WSPU advanced or retarded the passage of women’s

suffrage is still debated. This letter indicates the spread of opinion and the frustration that

attended the issue of militancy. In England, as in the United States, the passage of Women’s

Suffrage came only after a long period of “peaceful” campaigning. In England the militant

movement co-existed with and intermingled with the so-called ‘constitutionalists,” the

suffrage movement Davison applauds at the beginning of the second paragraph.

Sir, — In your issue of July 28th you have a long and excellent description of the Midland

Suffragists’ demonstration held on July 26th. Your editorial comment upon it is very fair and

accurate, except in the latter part, where you say that suffragists “recognize that they are

now within easy reach of the privilege for which they have been fighting for the last thirty

years, and fighting heroically, and in the majority of cases constitutionally. No sympathy

need be shown for the militant portion of the party, although we are told that it is their

physical exploits that have brought the question so much nearer a solution.”

It is true, of course, that the fight for women’s suffrage was carried on for nearly fifty

years before the militant campaign began, all honour to the brave pioneers who struggled

on so valiantly and hoping against hope. But your view of the militant work is evidently

entirely biased. It was the militants, for example, who organized this peaceful and beautiful

demonstration, for, as you do not appear to know, the constitutional side of the work has

always gone forward side by side with the militant.

You say that “violence is so utterly opposed to woman’s nature, that she disgraces

herself when she enters upon any undertaking involving its employment.” The blame for

the need to resort of violence lies upon those who would listen to no other methods. Why

did not the Government listen to the patient, persistent, and constitutional pleading of the

women? Why did they force them into militancy as the only way? Yours, &c.,


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